Project Description

The Museum House of Alberto Moravia

Alberto Moravia was an Italian writer, journalist, essayist, travelling reporter and playwriter.
Considered one of the most important novelists of the 20th century, he explored the theme of modern sexuality, social alienation and existentialism.

The Museum House is located in the apartment where the writer lived from 1963 till 1990, the year of his death.

In the apartment’s different ambients you can admire works of art and collectable objects that are exhibited on the walls of the rooms and corridors, which are decorated by shelves enriched by important volumes.

There are also some paintings and works on paper, which were donated to the writer by many of his artist friends, and masks and other objects collected by Moravia during his numerous journeys to the Far East and Africa.


Lungotevere della Vittoria, 1

How to get there

Underground line A, Flaminio station