Project Description

National Museum of Musical Instruments

This museum is the most important European institute of its kind, thanks to the richness of its collection and the value of the items that are kept here.

More than one thousand pieces are exhibited here and they come from places as varied as the Far East or archaeological sites in southern Etruria, spanning an incredibly large amount of time: from the late Hellenistic period to the XXth century.

Among the examples of incredible historic and artistic value which are preserved in the museum, some stand out more than others for their rarity: the piano built by Bartolomeo Cristofori in 1723 and the famous Barberini Harp, a splendid example of Baroque magnificence that is also the symbol of the museum.


Piazza di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, 9/a

How to get there

Underground line A, San Giovanni station